With a little imagination, there’s hope for the burned out strip malls and acres of asphalt formerly known as “suburbia.” They can be turned into active, usable, livable places. Continue reading
Tag Archives: walking
Puttering as Good for You as Jogging
If you exercise before work and think that punches your health card for the day, better think again. Sure, a brisk walk or a spin on the elliptical certainly revs up your metabolism, but if you sit down for everything after that, you could negate the good you did for your body.
I learned that from Day Martin, CEO and founder of StandSteady.com. Day was a full-time data analyst a few years ago when she hurt her back in a car accident. Her condition gradually improved to the point that the only place her back hurt was when she was at work. “The Internet recommended I try a standing desk, but when I went to buy one, I was shocked at the price: $700 to $4,000!”
So, out of necessity, she designed an inexpensive, lightweight, little desk that sits on top of a regular desk.
I’ll say much more about Day in my next post, but suffice it to say now that she clued me into a little secret about standing while you work: it may help you live longer. The reason? Continue reading
Places that Help People to be Durable
If you want to be more durable in body, mind and spirit, it helps if the place where you live supports your efforts. Are there sidewalks in your neighborhood? Maker faires and meetups nearby? Is it easy to be active and follow your curiosity?
The new website Urbanful made a list of “cities to watch” whose “horizons are glowing especially bright.” But, if Merriam-Webster defines durable as “staying strong and in good condition over a long period of time,” is the future looking good for their residents, too? Continue reading
One Easy Way To Be More Durable
So you’re determined to be more durable. To do what Merriam-Webster defines as “staying strong and in good condition over a long period of time,” you also want to spend no money and hardly any thought – which is all possible when you Continue reading