Although The Durable Human Manifesto contains the word “revolution” (thanks to Foo Fighter Dave Grohl), it comes in peace as a declaration of human awesomeness and celebration of our supremely unique selves.
The goal is to embolden people to actively cherish and amplify the attributes we have as human beings that our smartphones don’t.
The Manifesto’s welcoming design and striking images make it different from a typical publication. I hope you see and feel it like a breath of empowering fresh air.
I have already written a sequel to The Manifesto: How To Be a Durable Human: Revive and Thrive in the Digital Age Through The Power of Self-Design, but I’m still looking for thoughts and guidance on The Durable Human concept.
Reading The Durable Human Manifesto takes about ten minures. Download a copy directly for free here (no email signup required) or buy it in print on Amazon.
Learn more about the author on Google+.