Durable Human (2 book series)

Yearly Archives: 2009

“Games are the Future” – E.O. Wilson

We might wonder how one of the world’s leading biologists, E. O. Wilson, could say that video games are the future of education.  But that he did, today on NPR’s Morning Edition.   His blunt prediction: “We’re going through a rapid transition now. We’re about to leave print and textbooks behind.”

It was an extraordinary segment.  Renowned electronic game designer, Will Wright, was the guest interviewer.  He chose to talk to Wilson, whom Wright says has been a major influence on his career as designer of such blockbusters as Sim City and the evolution-depicting Spore.  Wilson believes that video games can actually recreate teaching methods that adults used on kids at the dawn of humankind.  “They went with adults and they learned everything they needed to learn by participating in the process,” Wilson said. Virtual reality games, Wilson says, can do the same thing.  In Wilson’s vision, if a teacher wants to visit a tundra, the class can go to a tundra.  A rainforest can be explored, canopy to floor, without one bug bite. Continue reading


Ambling through cyberspace, you have stumbled upon this blog.  It is designed to showcase ideas to help you adapt to an increasingly technological world, yet foster and uphold your unique strengths as a human being.  Every post is infused by at least a touch of unplugged wisdom from the Last Generation, BC – the brave souls who managed to grow up Before Cellphones. 

Nothing metaphysical here, just good common sense that shouldn’t be lost in the Web 2.0 shuffle.  

Jenifer Joy Madden


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